SJPI - NICM : Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business Management
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The library supports the teaching and research program of the institute. The NICM-SJPI library is growing rapidly and is expected to expand into an outstanding library within the next few years. The SJPI library has a huge collection of all types of books like reference collection (dictionary encyclopaedias year-book), personality development, philosophy, healthcare, religion, competitive exams books, sociology, agribusiness, economic development, management, and computer science subjects textbooks, reference books and books of general reading, journals, periodicals, multimedia facilities, working papers, students’ grand projects, company reports, case study collection and fieldwork reports. There are 35,917 books in the library of NICM-SJPI.

  • The library uses Software for University Libraries (SOUL), and a scanner for managing the large number of books.
  • Every book has a barcode sticker.
  • The issue-return process of books is conducted by scanning the barcode put on the book, through a scanner.
  • The members ID card also has a barcode, which is scanned at the time of issue and return of the books. Thus, the entire process is fully automated.
  • Library Timings are: Mondays to Fridays: 9.30 am to 6.00 pm, and Saturdays: 9.30 am to 2.00 pm.
  • Borrowing of reading materials facility is available to the faculty, researchers, students, and staff of the Institute. Registration to use the library facility and services is automatic for the faculty and staff on joining the Institute and for students on registration for the courses.
  • The library access is provided to the external research scholars, after following due administrative procedure.
  • The students are provided semester-wise, and subject-wise books across all four semesters. Thus, a book set is provided to individual students.
  • The library has a collection of teaching cases in its repository.
  • The Institute has created a library policy for the smooth functioning of the library.
  • The rules regarding the usage of the library are mentioned in the Student’s Handbook.